3rd Monday —Book Club Babes; 1:30 PM (Church)
1st Wednesday — Ladies Luncheon; 1:00 PM. at locations announced.
2nd Wednesday — Men's Breakfast; 9:00 AM at Denny’s in Clifton
Every Wednesday — Adult Bible Study: 4:00 PM (Church)
Every Thursday — Gospel Gleaners (Women’s Bible Study) 1:00 PM (Church)
Every Sunday – Worship: 10 AM
- Adult Bible Study 11:15 AM
1st Sunday of the Month: Communion
Every fifth Sunday - Church-wide Potluck
Every First & Third Sunday are Scrip Sundays
““Ever since I walked through the door the first time, I felt like I was home. This is a friendly, loving church. You will be surrounded by friends and family you never knew from the first minute. Please come and worship the Lord with us... You’ll never be the same!””